Want to Create Your Dream Business? Give Yourself Grace.

The word “grace” catches my attention.

It’s elegance and beauty, it’s a bestowing of favor, it’s mercy.

Yes, I want to give myself grace. And, I think, so should you.

As moms and business owners, we are striving, always. To raise children who are wonderful citizens of the world. To live and work on our own terms. To build a business that leaves a legacy, touches a life or quite simply pays the bills. To maintain relationships and a sense of self that leave us feeling fulfilled, energized.

We need a little grace, right? We need to see the beauty, stop being so hard on ourselves, and take the same kindnesses we give to others and turn them inward.

Otherwise, what kind of business are we building? What kind of life?

We need to give ourselves grace. So how can we create a space for grace in our lives each day?

As moms and business owners, we are striving, always. We need to stop being so hard on ourselves. We need to give ourselves grace. Here's how to create a space for grace in our lives each day?

Be realistic about what you can accomplish now…and don’t discount your dreams.

When your to-do list seems to constantly grow instead of getting smaller and you’re sneaking in work during nap times and along the sidelines at Saturday’s soccer game, you have to admit: there’s only so much you can do.

Seriously, admit it. Own it. Focus on what you can do and don’t dwell on the tasks you haven’t accomplished.

That acceptance doesn’t have to mean that your life and business will always be status quo. Work hard for those dreams, but in the day-to-day? Grace.

Want to make your to-do list feel good? Get this.

Stop letting comparison steal your joy.

There’s nothing that makes me feel less deserving, less accomplished, less worthy, than comparing myself to others. Yet it seems to happen unconsciously. So many women do this.

Yet what we’re comparing ourselves to isn’t real. We’re looking at someone’s best hair day and years of hard work and looking at it through the totally wrong lens. It seems effortless to us, even though we know the experience of our own hard work.

Those people aren't better than you. They're just having their moment. Yours will come.

They don't deserve it more than you do. You deserve it too.

So don’t compare.

Find role models who inspire you, and allow yourself to be motivated, not detracted. Use that inspiration to fuel your own drive. Make moves that build your confidence. Look to others as mentors, colleagues, even friends. And all along the way, grace.

Want to find solidarity and sisterhood in the fact that everyone-- even the most BOSS mom boss-- has struggles? Sign up for this, now.

Don’t focus on your weaknesses. Celebrate your victories.

It’s so easy to dwell on the minute places where things went wrong, yet we brush aside small wins like they’re nothing.

Which is funny, because we would tell our best friend that everyone makes mistakes. We would also tell her the little victories are worth celebrating.

A little reflection can help us from repeating mistakes—and that’s a good thing. Holding on to those mess-ups, though, is self destructive.

Celebrate yourself, your business, your life. Some days that might mean you’re celebrating because you got through the morning without getting spit up on your clothes. Hooray, right?! Celebrate. Give yourself that grace.

Want to create a list of go-to feel-good celebrations? Start with this. 

The only way we can grow, personally and professionally, is to keep putting one metaphorical foot in front of the other. If we’re too hard on ourselves, if we never allow ourselves beauty and mercy, if we never bestow favor on ourselves, we’ll never go the distance.

So, this week, try giving yourself grace for a change, and see how far you go.

For more content tips, thoughts on motherhood and, of course, the occasional cute kid, follow me on Instagram.